Media Icon
Beyond Your Imagination


Founded in 2009 and well known as Media Icon In the first period, Media Icon was active as Below The Line agency and event organizer , with numerous highprofile client, such as: Djarum, Gudang Garam, Fruit Tea (Sosro), Shell, Fiesta, and many more. In 2010, Media Icon change the line of business to creative business industry and become a Content Provider with primary program such as: Football Content, Home Cooking Content, Religion Content, Music Content, Mobile Virtual Secretary. In 2011, Media Icon strengthen its IT division. Focusing in Web, Desktop, Mobile Application development, and network monitoring (for security).



Content Provider for PT Telekomunikasi Seluler Indonesia (known as Telkomsel).


Exclusive Partner of Virtual Money (known as DOMPETKU) for PT Indosat.

Developed Speed Monitoring System for PT Pama Persada Nusantara (mining & earthmoving contractor).


Maintained the website for Ministry of Cooperatives and Small & Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM).

Developed Intelligent Reporting System Software.


Developed E-goods monitoring system for SMESCO Indonesia.

Developed small and medium enterprises registration system for Kemenkop UKM.

Developed application software of Facilities and Infrastructure Management Information System at Ministry of Transportation.


Telecommunication Tower Assessment for PT Pertamina EP Asset 5 Tanjung Field, Sangatta Field, and Papua Field.

Provided Tactical IP Monitoring System for one of the Intelligence Government Institutions.


Provided Tactical GSM Monitoring System for one of Intelligence Government Institutions.

Developed Multimedia Reporting System for TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces).


Intelligence Satellite Monitoring System Strategic for Intelligence Government Institution.


Laboratory of Weapon Testing for Government Institution


MVP Validation for Crayonpedia in 15 high schools, Ciamis and Pangandaran, West Java.


Big Data for DPR-RI.

IABIE Partnership with Creative Economic Body, Ministry of Tourism, Online Course for Coding Skills.


Bale Aspirasi App for DPR-RI.


Rivira Yuana, Ph.D - CEO and Owner


  • Bachelor's Degree: Engineering Physics at Institut Teknolgi Bandung
  • Master Degree: Electrical Engineering at Universitas Indonesia
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Business and Management at IPB University


  • Knowledge Based Expert System
  • Design of instrumentation and control
  • Automation System
  • Programmable Logic Controller
  • Supervisory and Control Data Acquisition (SCADA) system
  • System Integrator, Project Management

Nadia Fithri - Commissioner


  • Diploma of Business Majoring International Freight at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Bachelor of Business majoring in International Business and Marketing at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


  • Financial Advising
  • Account Managing

Agus Purwoko - COO


  • Bachelor's Degree: Informatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung


  • Procedural Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Web Development
  • Experienced with Content Management System

Irfan Novanda - CTO


  • Bachelor Degree: Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani


  • Management Information System Design and Implementation
  • Computer Network Design, Installation and Maintenance both on Software and Hardware
  • Software System Analyst and Development
  • Data Log Analyst and Engineer
  • Radio Installation (BTS, Repeater)
  • Site Survey Analyst for Radio Network
  • Communication System
  • Mechanical Electrical System Design and Implementation

Pratolo Priyambodo - Expert


  • Bachelor Degree: Informatics at Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Master Degree: Dual Degrees on Master of Business Administ ration and Master of Business Informatics Rotterdam School of Management affiliated to Erasmus University, Holland


  • Director of Smart Softindo International
  • Director of Veritas Technologies
  • Senior Consultant, Prime Consulting
  • Lecturer of several Private Universities on IT Topics such as MIS
  • Managing Director, Landas Nimpuna Technology
  • Director, Webkapital Indonesia
  • General Manager Wireless Data Division, PT Ratelindo
  • Information Technology Manager, PT Ratelindo
  • Business Development Manager, PT Ratelindo

Akhmad Taufik - Expert


  • Bachelor Degree: Electrical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Master Degree: Developmental Economics at Institut Teknologi Bandung


  • System Dynamics Expert
  • Public Expenditure Expert
  • Modelling Expert
  • Community Develpment Consutant
  • Supply Chain Management Expert
  • SMEs Development Expert